
Social Icons

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Onwards and Upwards

Hello darlings... I have some exciting news...

I got a promotion to a new social media job at Warner Bros!!  

This is a very momentous occasion I've wanted for quite a while, but I had no idea when the golden opportunity would finally come.  More times than not, the jump from executive assistant to the next level feels like this: 

While I'm extremely excited/thankful about this next step, I am also sad to leave my wonderful bosses and co-workers in my current department.  I've been with one of my bosses for over 2 years now. I've literally spent more time with her than any other person in my life in that time, so we're both bracing ourselves for the inevitable withdrawals when I leave.  (Luckily, I'll only be 5 floors up in the same building...but still, it's sad.). ;)

I gave my 2 weeks notice a couple Fridays ago, so my last day in the current department is tomorrow and my first day in the new position is Monday (1/28). So crazy!  While I'm definitely experiencing a strange mix of emotions with this big change, my overall feelings can best be exemplified by the same video I posted 2.5 years ago when I got my first wonderful offer from Warner Bros... 




Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Opening Day

January 11, 2013 was kind of a big day for me. I opened an art gallery on the Bowery in New York. Annie thought it might be vaguely interesting to chronicle that day, so here is for your enjoyment:

The beauty brains behind Garis & Hahn.

8:03am- Wake up, check email, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram- post a photo about the day, because 1) I am excited and 2) my press agent is encouraging me to be more interactive on social media outlets relating to the gallery.

9:00- Meet the art handlers, artists, curators at the space to finish the installation of the art works. Start setting up a borrowed card table in our storage closet to temporarily house our printers and office supplies.

9:40- Sophie arrives at the space, and I leave to get my hair blown out for the big event.

11:00- Quick stop back at my apartment to feed Ray and grab a piece of Diane’s famous sausage bread for breakfast/lunch. Slight hair-related panic attack that may have had something to do with low blood sugar.

11:15ish- Arrive back at the space to assist with the install and lighting, and begin preparing press materials for the afternoon.

12:30pm – Man comes to install vinyl lettering on wall with exhibition information and vinyls for glass façade that say “GARIS & HAHN”

1:10p- Vinyl man finishes. Sophie and I go out to the sidewalk to admire our names on the door and have a dramatic HIGH FIVE moment.

1:11- Frantically trying to figure out how to properly format the checklist and press release for the show. AND playing with printing on our new letterhead and new printers. Meanwhile, contractors are here helping the artists set up lighting on their works. This takes hours.

1:20- Sophie runs next door to Whole Foods to buy Pellegrino and Voss and some assorted cookies to have out for visitors.

2:00 – Press appointment with a journalist, but she’s a no show. Continue playing with checklist format.

3:29ish- Lighting is finally perfect. The remaining artists go home to get ready for the reception.

3:30ish- Another press appointment with a Lower East Side blog. One of the artists is friends with the editor and stops by to contribute to the interview.

4:30- Sophie and I realize we look like jayhoos. We walk back to my apartment to get ready. On the way we run into our photographer for the evening and send her to the gallery where the curator Andrea is gallery sitting for a bit. Also, it starts to rain.

4:35-Sophie and I freshen up while blasting Ellie Goulding’s “Anything Could Happen.” I say blasting, because we were competing with Brian’s extremely loud playing of the “Les Miserables 25th Anniversary Concert” DVD… Meanwhile back at the gallery, our photographer Emma is taking install shots and getting set up.

5:30- Rush back to the gallery in the rain. Sophie’s boyfriend Elliott has started setting up the bar, and everything seems to be ready.

5:45- Veuve Clicquot toast to start it all off.            

6:00-9:00- It’s a blur… the turn out for the opening reception ranks somewhere between incredible and shocking… I estimate somewhere between 200 to 300 people came out in the rain in January, and one of our artists estimates as high as 600! The space was packed, I saw so many friends and met some great people. I hope everyone had a fantastic time- Sophie and I certainly did!

9:00pm- Walk down the street to The Bowery Electric for our after party with the artists. Find my parents, eat a slice of Two Boots pizza that we brought in for “dinner” and procure a drink. Catch up with my friends, take some pics, change out of my heels into flats.

12:20am- Home sweet home.

12:30- Discover my sister Caroline is inadvertently locked out of her hotel and has to stay the night with me. Am SO EXCITED.

1:30ish- Finally fall asleep after a very exhausting and emotionally overwhelming day.

10:03am- Wake up, because I own a gallery and have to work on Saturdays now.

*Special shout out to my roommate Brian, with the help of Caroline and Blake, who ran all over town procuring, wine, beer, ice, and 2 industrial trash bins. AMAZING PEOPLE.
**Special shout out: part 2 to Elliott, Brian, Val & Scott Bryant, and Blake who helped run the bar and cleaned up the trash!

...just a day in the life,


Friday, January 11, 2013

Mary is Opening an Art Gallery!

Alternate title: My Best Friend is a Total Badass.

For reeeeal though.  Mary's contemporary art gallery, Garis & Hahn, opens TODAY in New York.

Obviously Mary can give you way more deets about it, but I just had to take a moment to be a super proud best friend and BRAG on her...

Look at all the awesome press Garis & Hahn is getting!  Here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and oh yes, also the NEW YORK TIMES blog. Basically, it's kind of a big deal.

The opening reception for the inaugural exhibition is TODAY (January 11) from 6:00-8:00 pm.  If you're in NYC, you should go!  I personally can't wait to visit New York and see the hottest new gallery in town.

Cheers to you, Mar... you're amazing!!



Monday, January 7, 2013

8:11 December Highlights

My New Year's Resolution on January 1, 2010, was to take a picture of whatever I was doing at 8:11 PM for the entire year.  Three years later, I'm very glad to say this is the only resolution I've ever kept (and extended at that)! It's fun that I could feasibly look back to see what I did every single night the past 3 years. Crazy.  

It was extra hard to narrow them down this time, but here are my 11 favorite things I did in the most popular month of the year. (Right? I mean... who doesn't love December?)...

8:11- pre-party for  - Christmas style.  

8:11- let the  party hopping begin. First stop w/ jinahbean: Parker's house! 

8:11-CG  party-full of mistletoe, food, secret Santa & some of the best people ever.

8:11-guys, you KNOW I love a party w/ an interactive photobooth.  .

8:11- at an Eddie Izzard comedy show w/ these scoundrels. @fakeseandavis .

8:11-toughing out my killer cold in the name of  partying. 1st stop: 's w/ .

8:11- reunited and it feels so good!!   .

8:11-din at my fave Houston place Uchi w/ these handsome gentlemen...  and . Sooo good.

8:11- delish din on the patio w/ the familia. One of my fave Houston activities for sure.

8:11-drinks w/ . Extra points for good martinis and cabanas.

8:11- cousin time under a collage of . Hahah. .

8:11- happy new year!

Thanks for the grand finale of 2012, December. Love you mean it. 



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So This Is The New Year...

Happy New Year, darlings! (and Happy 3 year anniversary to "A Tale of Two Cities")! While 2012 definitely was not my favorite overall, it did have some good moments. A few of my personal highlights include...
  • the time I saw a One Direction concert at work... 

(see also: the time I got bangs). 

  • the first Thanksgiving with my fam in 5 years... 

I saw this semi-cheesy/semi-inspirational quote on Instagram yesterday (which I discovered are apparently lyrics to a Brad Paisley song after a little googling)...

"Tomorrow is the first page in a 365 page book. Write a good one." 

Cheesiness aside, the fresh start of a new year is always a bit exciting. Here's to writing (and hopefully blogging more regularly!) a good 2013 story. :) 

I leave you with the best New Years song ever recorded (not counting Auld Lang Syne, obviously). 

