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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Top Ten Things I Learned From Gilmore Girls (by Kaylee)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING / GILMORE GIRLS WEEK, GUYS! As you probably know, the Gilmore Girls revival episodes premiere tomorrow on Netflix. I challenged myself to watch all 7 original seasons for the first time ever before these new episodes air. It was an intense challenge - 45 minutes episodes; 22 episodes per season... I almost gave up many times. But I persevered and I'm halfway done with season 7 now! I won't be done by tomorrow to watch all the new ones immediately as they become available, but I WILL be done in time for the revival episodes finale watch party I'm going to on Tuesday. (Whoooo!) My lovely sister-in-law Kaylee is an avid G.G. fan, so she's been my go-to for discussing the show throughout my little self-imposed challenge. So, it only seemed natural for her to do November's Top Ten List...

I've been an avid Gilly for more than 10 years now, and like any bookish straight-A student in the 2000s, I desperately wanted to be Rory Gilmore (a few errors in judgment not withstanding) throughout high school and college. In a lot of ways, I grew up alongside Rory. In anticipation of a new chapter of Gilmore Girls finally returning to my life on FRIDAY, here are the top 10 things I learned from watching the original seven seasons.

This goes without saying, but there are a few mild spoilers of Seasons 1-7 below. Consider yourself warned. 

Obvious, but you can never have too much coffee.
Gilmore Girls netflix season 1 episode 1 scott patterson 
I am pretty sure you can measure a fan's dedication to Gilmore Girls by the amount of coffee they have consumed that day. 

Always, always plan your outfits the night before. 
You don't want to be the Daisy Duke of Headmaster Charleston's office. See also: don't use unreliable alarm clocks. 

Just because someone tells you to get more involved does not mean you need to join a secret society.
Maybe Rory did come across as kind of a loner when she read at lunch with headphones in. (Wait, that is me every day at work. Maybe I need to reevaluate some things.) But she still should have known to run away from the Mean Girl wannabes of Chilton before they broke into the headmaster's office.  

But if you do join a secret society, join one that has super elaborate parties and/or stunts. 
Those might be worth it.

When in doubt, throw in a pop culture reference.
And that's just from ONE SEASON. Seriously, how do they remember all of this stuff? 

Don't go back for seconds with your ex-boyfriend if he is married. 

Don't let someone else's snarky opinion derail your future.
Mr. Huntzberger was a jerk. But Rory stealing a boat in response to him telling her she won't make it as a journalist is probably a sign of self esteem issues. Plus, it's hard to outrun the gossip fallout. 
Image result for rory gilmore boat 

Don't model adult behavior after Lorelei Gilmore.Gilmore Girls netflix season 4 episode 1 lorelai gilmore  
I know she raised Rory on her own, and I respect that. I also know that she worked her way up from a maid to be an owner of the Dragonfly Inn. Both of these seem to indicate a certain level of maturity. But where is this when it comes to human relationships and a basic respect for others? Love you, Lorelei, but you got some work to do. 

Don't mess with Emily Gilmore.
gilmore girls reaction reaction s emily gilmore 
I know some people aren't as Team Emily as I am, but you have to respect her ability to stand up when her family is being wronged/threatened/slighted. I definitely wouldn't want to cross her. 

Families are complicated.Gilmore Girls netflix season 1 episode 1 lorelai gilmore  
Whether it is Mrs. Kim and Lane, Luke and Liz, or any of the Gilmore clan, this show shows us a fraction of how complicated relationships can be. The people you hate upon first glance might end up being your best friends, and the person that seems amazing at first might actually suck (*cough* Dean *cough*). Each action has a consequence (except eating junk food, apparently), and every conflict has multiple perspectives. And through all the relationships runs a cord of love that is frayed, but not broken. These are the things that make Gilmore Girls so interesting to watch, and they are the reason that the show is still relatable after 15 years. I can't wait to see how they capture that magic in "Gilmore Girls A Year in the Life". 

See you in Stars Hollow. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

8:11 October Highlights

Man... I don't know about you, but after the first couple insane/shocking/awful weeks of November, I personally wish we could rewind back to October and get a do over on this month. 😕

Even though we sadly can’t rewind back to October (😩😩😩), here are my 11 favorite things I did at 8:11 PM last month… 

8:11- "No day but today..." to see RENT live for the first time!! 😄😄😄

8:11- finallyyy seeing@localnatives live. #swoon 😍

8:11- #SecondCity show!#DateMe is hilarioussss.

8:11-@sissyssouthernkitchen immediately following the fair is aggressive and my stomach feels weird, but 👍🏻for a delicious day.

8:11- no trip to OK is complete without a trip to Teds. 😋😋😋

8:11- double date at the fair! 🍗🎡🌭🍻

8:11- date night after a long/productive Sunday. Sidenote- every weekend should a 3-day weekend... 2 days just are nottt enough.

8:11- ✨belated birthday din for @kittiannleroux!✨

8:11- it's @batsonomics's golden bday and @rrmoseley three the most amazing Hamilton-themed party and there's a legit photo booth and I'm so happy. ✨HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAD!!✨

8:11- A+ date night:@uchidallas for din, @emporiumpies for dessert, and @theheadandtheheart for tunes. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

8:11- food items are my favorite costumes. Happy #Halloween! 🎃



Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Insane Food I Ate At The State Fair

Alt title: Why America is Obese

I never went to the State Fair growing up. It just wasn't really a big thing and the terrifying, janky rides and insane fried food did notttt appeal to me. But in Dallas, the State Fair of Texas is a THING. Like, all Dallas public schools get an entire day off to go to the fair. My entire office gives us all tickets and closes the office for an afternoon so we can go to the fair. People LOVE the fair. I'm totally not on their level (and never will be), I'm down to go to fair to appease my fair-loving co-workers and husband and enjoy some insane fried food in the process. 

Here are some (not even all!) of the insane food I ate during my 2 visits to the fair this year, graded... 

1.) Pineapple Whip - C
I heard someone mention something about a fair food that was just "whipped pineapple" and it was actually healthy and good and I thought this was it, but this actually just turned out to be some sort of pineapple flavored ice cream cone, and it was lame. 

2.) Chicken Fried Bacon - A-
This was salty, savory, and delicious. I think I would get this one again. 

3.) Fletcher's Corn Dogs - A
This is a probably the quintessential fair food that you must get every time. I'm generally not even a corn dog fan, but these are good. Bonus - there's always a Fletcher's stand right by Big Tex, so it makes for good photo ops as well. 

4.) Fried Mac and Cheese - B
Chris would probably give these a higher score, but I've had better versions of this before, so I probably won't get it again next year. 

5.) Fried Oreos - A+
This is my fave sweet option at the fair. SO DELICIOUS AND RICH AND AMAZING. You could definitely share an order with a friend because if you ate them all yourself you might die from a sugar overlaod. 

6.) Fried Reeses - C-
This one was disappointing - they only give you ONE Fried Reeses and the rest is just vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. If i wanted vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce I would have ordered vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. 😑 Should have gotten another round of Friend Oreos instead. #regrets

7.) Fried Thanksgiving Dinner - A
This is my fave savory option at the fair. It's essentially fried balls of turkey and dressing with gravy and cranberry dipping options. I am HERE. FOR. IT. 

8.) Burger with Krispy Kreme Doughnut Bun - B- 
This had the savory/sweet combo going on, but it was a bit much and kind of tasted weird. 

9.) Fried S'mores - A-
S'mores are legit one of my faves food in general, so I was stoked to try these. They were delish, but they're no Fried Oreo. Also, this was the last thing we got on our way out and we were so stuffed we couldn't even finish them, so that could be a factor in the scoring as well. 

Until next year, Big Tex... thanks for the food comas and fun times. 


