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Monday, November 9, 2015

8:11 October Highlights

Last month was my least favorite month of 2015 by far. It's been my busiest/craziest month at work, I got rear-ended (my car is still in the shop 3.5 weeks later), and my wonderful/loving/strong/amazing Papa passed away. To say I'm glad October's over is a huge understatement. (blurghhhhh.)

Despite all the horribly sad, frustrating, and stressful things that happened last month, it had some happy moments with friends, family, and Taylor Swift sprinkled in there as well. Here are my 11 favorite 8:11s from October... 

8:11- the Barcelona BBQ cooking class at Central Market is legitttt. So much fun.

8:11- movie night with madre. @theinternmovie was delightful!

8:11- @beccaboo10108cooked us din and it is deliiiiiish. 😋

8:11- happy birthday to@thechrisleroux's mom! ❤️

8:11-thanks for having us over for din, boss! (Sorry your eyes are closed in the 8:11 pic.)


8:11- sometimes you just need some good pizza, you know? 

8:11- long overdue catch up with @ashleymclontz over a homemade din. :) 

8:11- I really lucked out in the family department. ❤️❤️❤️

8:11- love my family. ❤️

8:11- so excited @bhaz is in town!



Sunday, November 1, 2015

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose [Costume Contests]

Happy day-after-Halloween! When the stars align and Halloween actually falls on a Saturday, it's a magical thing. 

Chris and I had been planning our costume for months. Pretty early on in our relationship we started watching Friday Night Lights. Chris had never seen it before, so I was adamant about introducing him to the best TV show that has ever been on television. (Sidenote - if you haven't watch it yet, the entire series is on Netflix and you really have no excuse. Seriously, get on that). Chris loves it, as any normal / good human does, so we decided to be universally beloved Coach Taylor and Tami Taylor for Halloween.

clear eyes full hearts cant lose animated GIF

hug animated GIF

Definitely one of my favorite costumes I've ever done. (Shout out to Mary for masterfully trimming my extremely-way-too-long wig last time she was in town). 

We wore these lovely costumes to our friend / party-planner extraordinaire Rhonda's fantastic house party. (The wig got very unruly after some time on the dance floor... I don't know how Tami Taylor does it). 

Coach Taylor, Marshmallow Man, and Shooting Star (aka Rhonda the hostess with the mostest)

Hope you had a fun Halloween too! (And that you watch Friday Night Lights as soon as physically possible). :)

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose, 
