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Monday, January 20, 2014

8:11 December Highlights

Hello and Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! I'm celebrating my favorite non-major holiday with a nice mix of relaxation/productivity... including blogging about my 11 favorite things I did at 8:11 pm last month. :-) 

8:11- things to do when you're iced in: play board games.

8:11- Shane&Shane and Phil Wickham concert. So good!

8:11- Shrek the Musical w/ . Very impressive so far!

8:11- din and drinks with 3 of my favorites people at HG Sply Co.

8:11- inaugural book club meeting. (Next time ill read the book).

8:11- the partying with the parents continues

8:11- excited to see the hilarious comedy of (my former WB coworker of 2 weeks).

8:11- grandchildren and grandma. :-)

8:11- Christmas continues with my mom's side of the fam. I love my people.

8:11- SO wonderful to see one of my best friends from LA .

 8:11- -ing.

 Cheers to ending 2013 on a happy note. And hellooooo 2014! 



Monday, January 6, 2014

8:11 November Highlights

Despite my best efforts and drinking Emergen-C on the reg, the dreaded sickness going around my office has gotten to me. Blurgh. I figured I could use this excuse for a suuuuper lazy Sunday to catch up on a little 8:11 highlighting. Here are my 11 favorite things I did at 8:11 pm in November. :-)

8:11- SO good to see some of my Warner Bros. darlings in Dallas.

8:11- new friends and delish chai teas.

8:11- starting off 's bday weekend w/ the Head and the Heart. .

8:11- Eva always has my favorite things at her bday party. Last year- photobooth. This year- s'mores!

8:11- continues w/ an incredible homemade feast (by the bday girl)!

8:11- thankful for these sweet new friends.

8:11- was everything I hoped it would be and more. Can't wait to see it again!

8:11- I am for beer.

8:11- so good to be with my wonderful relatives. .

8:11- number 2.

8:11- Christmas decorating and snuggie lounging.



Friday, January 3, 2014


(Musical accompaniment for this post: University Of Oklahoma – Boomer Sooner)

When the entire nation (myself included, I must admit) predicted OU to lose to Alabama, 

beating them 45-31 feels like this...

excited baby

Monty Python

angry dance


30 Rock


The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The Voice

Inglorious Bastards

So proud to be a Sooner! Whooooo. :-) 



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

So This Is The New Year...

Happy New Year! 2013 was a very EVENTFUL year to say the least.
I met Ryan Gosling. 
I got promoted at Warner Bros.
I got a cat.
I went to Europe and met my Italian relatives there.
I upgraded to a queen-sized bed.
I moved to Dallas.

And around the world, these notable events happened:


I always feel pretty optimistic about the new year. New beginnings just feel so refreshing and promising. I'm finally starting to feel a bit settled in Dallas and my new job, so I'm excited to see how this new year in my new city will pan out.

But for now, I'll leave you with arguably the greatest New Year's kiss of all time. #RyanAndMarissaForever. :-)

