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Saturday, March 30, 2013

8:11 February Highlights

And the month-overdue catch up on blogging continues! ;) Let's take a little trip back in time... here are my 11 favorite things I did at 8:11 in February (which feels like ages ago)... 

8:11- my party hopping partners- , Erin, Josie, etc

8:11-the Roosevelt has been transformed into an outdoor wonderland for the premiere…

8:11-screening of #BeastsOfTheSouthernWild at@theacademy w/ @g_baby9000. Crossing another one off my #oscarnoms list. 2 more to go!

8:11-screening of beyonce's w/ Natalie and . Hollaaa.

8:11- din at my favorite place- w/ these lovely ones

8:11- din w/ my beloved former boss and coworker at Lola's. ❤❤❤ them. :)

8:11-front row seats for "Backbeat: the Birth of the Beatles" at the Ahmanson w/ .

8:11-seeing Robby's band "help the doctor"... Definitely the coolest surgeons ever.

8:11- @klhasemeyer is having a "16(x2) & pregnant" reality tv themed bday party. Obviously I'm the bachelorette.

8:11- almost time for my favorite part the Oscars- the Governors Ball after party! Holllaaa

8:11-giants and a green carpet at the premiere, naturally.

Glad I posted this with a full 1.5 days left in March. Haha. 8:11 March highlights coming soon! ;)



Friday, March 29, 2013

Annie's Oscar Notes: 2013 Edition

Sooo... the Oscars came and went and Argo won and it was glorious and I had every intention of blogging about it in a semi-timely manner. Unfortunately, numerous things like work being crazy busy/Mary coming to visit/getting sick/adopting a kitty (!!!)/etc. prevented this from happening. (My baddd). So alas,  a month later, here it is... my recap of working at this year's Academy Awards...

Sunday, February 24th, 2013
  • 8:17 AM- Alarm goes off. 
  • 8:18- Hit snooze a couple times; look at Twitter/Instagram and read email updates from Host Committee (which I was on again this year).
  • 8:40- Shower and pray that a.) I don't totally mess up somehow at my new assignments on the red carpet/backstage during the show, and b.) that there wouldn't be 30 mph "gusty winds" as had forecast the night before. (Thankfully both prayers were answered!)
  • 9:05- Make myself a juice for breakfast (apple/celery/ginger for the win).
  • 9:20- Gather everything I'll need for the looong day that I had written on a "To Pack" list the night before.
  • 9:33- Head to Hollywood/Highland, where the Oscars are held (and where the leader of Host Committee brings in hair/make up artists to take appointments in one of the hotel rooms). 
  • 9:48- Realize that there are even more security checkpoints than usual to enter the premises this year, and there's no way I'm going to make it to my 10:00 hair/make up appointment on time. I text the girl who scheduled my appointment and hope I get there asap (eek!). 
  • 10:27- Finally make it to my appointment and the fun/beautification begins!  I brought in a photo of the make up I wanted (Jennifer Lawrence from the LA Hunger Games premiere) and a photo I found from a Google image search of "red carpet hairstyle with bangs." The hair girl and make up guy double team me, and they're awesome! I am very pleased. :)
  • 12:05- Run a quick errand for the leader of Host Committee, and meet up with my friend Elisa who was letting me change/loiter/keep my stuff in her hotel room. (Full-time Academy staff who are working get a room at the hotel that connects to the Dolby Theater).
  • 12:30- Scarf down a wrap and some Goldfish I took from the Publicity Office. Lunch of champions (and/or 4th graders).
  • 12:35- Text Mary that I'm assigned to escort Daniel Radcliffe and Kristen Stewart (2 of her favorites) later in the evening. She responds enthusiastically. ;) 
  • 1:07- Put on the dress/jewelry/shoes...whooo!
  • 1:15- Check in for duty at the top of the red carpet. Arrivals don't officially begin until 2:30, so this leaves ample time to get my walkie checked out and take photos with people like Garrett. 
  • 2:15ish- Get in position. This year I was assigned to be a 1 of 4 "spotters."  Our job was to stand at the top of the carpet and call out on the walkie when any nominee/presenter/notable person arrived.  We would then escort said person to the publicists who would walk them down the carpet. This was a surprisingly fun position because I got to see/talk to almost everyone! I was a bit nervous at first, though, because a couple days before the show, the Host Committee leaders gave me a packet with over 200 names/faces for me to "study." Fortunately, my friend Tom (who was the head "spotter") assured me he knew most of the less recognizable nominees, so I didn't have to do sorority-pledge-style memorization. (Whew.) 
  • 2:30-5:15pm- Arrivals, arrivals, arrivals! These 3 hours went by so quickly because of the constant activity.  I didn't think I would be on TV at all in this position, but I soon began to receive texts/tweets alerting me of the contrary. Ha. Here are a few completely oblivious/hilarious photobombs...
  • My favorite occurrences/observations during these 3 hours include:
    • Best Actress nominees Quvenzhané Wallis and Jessica Chastain arriving at the same time. Jessica stopped to hug and congratulate adorable Quvenzhané and compliment her on her blinged out puppy dog purse. 
Sidenote: Let it be known that I did not take this photo (which is definitely against host committee rules). I found it on Google images. ;)
    • Meeting Les Misérables actor Aaron Tveit who I mentioned I thought was a super hottie in my last blog post. #Swooooon. 
    • Sally Field adjusting Joseph Gordon-Levitt's bowtie. (He plays her son in "Lincoln," so it was this sweet pretend mother/son thing). 
    • Joseph Gordon-Levitt in general (!!!)
    • Reese Witherspoon telling me "I like your dress! It's almost the same color as mine!"  (Victoryyy!)
    • John Stamos  asking us if there was a restroom her could use before walking down the carpet.  Unfortunately, there was not, so he joked that he might need to take a leak on the huge Oscar statue before making his way down the press line. (Sidenote: Uncle Jesse still looks gooood.)
    • Ben Affleck saying, "Hi. How are you?" to me. Go team Argooooo!
  • 5:15- Carpet is closed! The two other (awesome) "spotter" girls and I take a commemorative photo. 

5:16- Walk/LIMP back to the Host Committee meeting room to get ready for our show assignments. I didn't realize how incredibly BADLY my feet were hurting, but this walk  back to the hotel almost killed me. Yowzaaa. 

5:25- Put on flats. In all 5 years that I've worked this show, I've always just toughed it out and stayed in heels the whole night. Putting on flats at this moment was one of the best decisions I've ever made.  I wore them the rest of the night.

5:33ish- Rush to my first assignment which was escorting Octavia Spencer (who presented the first award- Best Supporting Actor) from the elevator to the photo room.  This was my first time to do this, and I had gotten switched to this talent escorting position at the last minute, so my new friend Meghan (pictured with me above) came with me this first time to make sure I knew the right route and everything. 

5:40-5:55- Meet Octavia and the elated Best Supporting Actor winner Christoph Waltz at the elevator. It was so fun to meet people here because they have literally just walked off stage from WINNING AN OSCAR and they are so excited. Christoph got a congratulatory kiss from his publicist and then he looked at Meghan and said in his great German accent, "Are you going to give me a kiss too?" (We all laughed and she obliged). Hahah. Meghan and I then escorted Octavia and Christoph down "Winners Walk" which is the famous hallway all Oscar winners take to photos/press.  It is lined with photos of famous winners and their Oscars from the past 85 years. So very cool. After Winners Walk, Octavia and Christoph toast some champagne and head into the Photo Room where risers full of photographers snap their photograph, including this one: 
6:00ish- After they're done with photos, Christoph goes on the Press Room, and I escort Octavia back to the elevator to return to her seat.  We compliment each other's bangs.  She stops to give Melissa McCarthy a hug in Winners Walk. 

6:15- My next assignment wasn't until later in the show, so I attempt to grab some dinner at the great buffet style tables they set up for everyone working backstage.  However, as soon as I get to the food area, the Host Committee leaders call for Meghan and I over the walkie- they need us to escort all 5 of the Avengers. And, off we go!

6:30-6:40ish- Meghan and I meet Robert Downey Jr., Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, and Samuel L. Jackson  at the elevator after they presented the awards for Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects. We walk them down Winners Walk then wait by the bar outside the Photo Room.  Their interaction was hilarious to observe. They are taking (numerous) group photos on their iPhones ("When is the next time this is going to happen? Never!"). Ruffalo tells Renner he likes his longer hair; Renner says it's "for a role." Meghan asks Ruffalo "Do you want champagne?" and he thought she said "What's your name?" so he looks confused and says "Mark Ruffalo." Hahah. I clear up the confusion.  Then it's photo time...
6:50- I escort them back to elevator.  Samuel L. Jackson accidentally steps on my dress (and apologizes) in Winners Walk. 

7:00- Finally get some din. I eat it in the Host Committee room and watch a few acts of the show. That musical number was legittt.

7:20- Head to final show assignment- Daniel Radcliffe and Kristen Stewart who presented the award for Best Production Design. This was definitely my favorite assignment of the night- they were both so cool/nice! K Stew is on crutches.  I ask her what happened. "I stepped on a shard of glass 2 nights ago. Nothing like that to make you feel alive!" she says. Hahah. We get to the waiting area for the photo room and I ask them if they want a drink. She says absolutely and orders a vodka/pineapple juice. Daniel orders a drink too and they talk about how great it is to finally meet each other. (So crazy to witness Harry Potter and Bella's first meeting! Hahah.) When they go to the photo room, I hold Kristen's crutches and wait for her on the other end of the stage. She hobbles through the photo ops like a champ.

7:40-When they get off stage, Daniel asks if there's a smoking area. Sadly, as we were taking them there, we get walkied that Daniel needs to be back in his seat in the next 10 minutes, so we have to take him back. I enjoyed my 30ish minute interaction with these two so much! (Much more than I thought I would). I would legit be their friends. :)

7:55-Realize I somehow haven't had any caffeine all day (?!). Get a coffee. And a cookie. Sit in the Host Committee room and watch a few more acts. 

8:05- Freshen up a tad in Elisa's hotel room before heading to my call-time for the Governor's Ball (the official Academy after party). 

8:11- Take my 8:11 pic. ;) Gather around the TVs behind the Governor's Ball press line to watch the last few awards. Cheer loudly when Argo wins Best Picture. Whooo!

8:35-9:10ish- My old reliable Governor's Ball assignment- stand at the top of the staircase and ask the nominees/winners if they want to do the press line and call out their arrival over the walkie.  Daniel Radcliffe recognizes me and says hi (!!!). Christoph Waltz is super sweet/charming again. I accidentally photobomb Best Actress winner Jennifer Lawrence. (Sorry Katniss!).

9:15-11:00ish- I walk around the ball, mingle, and call out any good photo ops on the walkie. My favorite occurrences/observations during this time include:
  • Multiple random people stopping Charlize Theron to ask for a photo and/or to tell her how gorgeous she looks. 
  • Adele chatting with Barbra Streisand. Oh the musical glory! 
  • Ben Affleck and George Clooney talking with my boss's boss's boss's boss at the Warner Bros. table. ;)
  • Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter being Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter.
  • My boy JGL looking dapper and chatting with the gorgeous aforementioned Charlize and Amy Adams for an extended period of time. 
  • Everyone saying "Congratulations!" to all the happy people carrying around their shiny new Oscars. :)
11:30ish- The ball starts to wind down as people go to their next party. Which meeeans- all the Academy staff busts out the champagne, cocktails, photoshoots, and enjoys a "second seating" of the always exquisite dinner by Wolfgang Puck. Cheers. To. That. 

1:30ish- I gather my belongings, say goodbye to everyone and head home. 

2:05- In bed, exhausted and exhilarated after such a wonderful whirlwind day. This was definitely one of my favorite Oscars.  Such a great time. 

As always... I'd like to thank the Academy. :)

