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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Goodbye LA...Hello Dallas.

(Musical accompaniment for this post: A Fine Frenzy – Now Is The Start). 

This very big news has been trickling out for a few days now, but in case you haven't heard... I AM MOVING TO DALLAS.  

This HUGE life change is definitely bittersweet as I am sad to leave my beloved Los Angeles and all my wonderful friends here after 5.5 crazy, fun-filled, better-than-I-ever-imagined-they-would-be years. There is nowhere else in the world I wanted to be right after college, so much so that I took the plunge and drove myself out here even when my job offer I had lined up in the spring of my senior year fell through. I knew I had to give it a try... I wouldn't be satisfied anywhere else.  A few weeks later I had a new job at The Academy, and I was more in love with LA than ever. But even then in the height of my Los Angeles love, I knew that this city was absolutely perfect for me at that time, but eventually I would want to move closer to my home. I didn't know exactly when that would happen or what that would look like... but here it is! 

I will be joining an exciting new digital agency called Socialized Monkey as a Senior Digital Marketing Manager (heyooo). This small start-up will be a 100% different environment/experience than my time at the Academy and Warner Bros., and I'm excited for that! I'm also excited to be in Dallas just in time for OU/Texas (for the first time since 2007), and to be able to drive up to Norman for any game day for that matter.  I'm excited to be a 3 hour drive from my brother in Oklahoma City, a 4 hour drive from my parents in Houston, and just a 2.5 hour drive from my sweet grandparents in Louisiana. I'm excited for a slightly slower pace. I'm excited for a change. For a new start. 

For the most part, I am feeling a great sense of peace about this crazy huge move, but the sadness/emo-ness has been creeping in too.  I will miss my incredible friends out here... some of the best friends I've ever had in my life. I will my miss my church- my favorite church I've ever attended. I will miss my awesome neighborhood, Los Feliz. I will miss the perfect weather, the beautiful beaches. I will miss the opportunities to unexpectedly share a table at your neighborhood Thai restaurant with Michael Cera, work out next to Victoria Beckham or Zac Efron, and accidentally photobomb Meryl Streep. ;) 

Who knows... Dallas might not be the best fit for me.  I might be back in LA in a year. Or I might move to Austin or Chicago or Italy next. But I know if I didn't take this opportunity and try it out, I would absolutely regret it. So, ready or not... Dallas here I come. 

(LA friends... I will miss you a lot, a lot. You have less than 3 weeks to hang out with me. Let's make it count... and also please come to my going away party 9/15. Invites coming shortly). 

(Dallas friends... let's please hang out when I get there! I don't know Dallas very well at all and I need you to show me the ropes). 




  1. Aww rooms.. I love that you used my song! :)

  2. Annie, you go to Pacific Crossroads! I sometimes read devotionals from one of their pastors. I am a member of Park Cities Pres, a pca church in Dallas. Would love for you to check it out sometime when you get here. So excited for your new adventure and congrats on the new job! Message me your phone number on facebook

  3. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang girl! GIT IT! <3<3<3 Happy for you, homeskillet!

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