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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Wonderful OK Weekend

This past weekend my awesome brother ran his first half-marathon and my parents and I used this as a great excuse for a family visit, so we journeyed to Oklahoma City to cheer him on. Since my parents moved to Houston a few years ago, I hardly ever get to visit my home state anymore, so I was quite excited for this trip, and sweet OK did not disappoint. J

Highlights include:
  • Being with my beloved fam (who I haven’t seen since Christmas and might not see until Christmas this year… yowza!)
  • The Norman Music Festival (and accompanying fun loft party) with Randis and C Gunn
  • The Arts Festival downtown
  • Catching up with lifelong family friends I hadn’t seen in approx 3ish years
  • Watching the Thunder game in a bar full of other enthusiastic Thunder fans
  • Cheering on Dan (and all the other awesome runners) in the OKC Memorial Marathon (made even better by the hilarious signs C Gunn made for us to hold)
  • Checking out Dan’s church
  • Drinking bellinis around the awesome firepit at Kaylee’s apartment
  • Ted’s (aka the best Mexican restaurant in the entire world)
  • Visiting the OKC Bombing Memorial Museum for the first time… so touching!
  • Getting coffee at the beautiful new Devon Tower
  • Sonic cherry limeades
  • Etc.

It was a wonderful weekend that naturally went by way too fast.  Hopefully I’ll have another excuse to come back sometime soon!  Love you, mean it, OK.



Friday, April 19, 2013

Things Making Me Laugh Out Loud Lately

The world has been a sad, tragic place this week. :-/ While I definitely can't make sense of such heartbreaking things as bombings, explosions, and natural disasters, I thought that perhaps at least I could provide a little break from all the horrible news and bring a smile to your face.  Here are two things that have been making me heartily laugh out loud lately... 

The first is Demetri Martin. I first saw this incredibly hilarious observationalist (is that even a word?) comedian at OU in 2006.  I recently saw him again at the Largo (which was quite an eccentric experience in and of itself).  I honestly haven't laughed that hard in a longgg time. I couldn't find a video of his set at the Largo, but here's one that includes several of the same jokes he told at the show.  So. Funny. 

If you know me at all, you know I love the hilarious ridiculousness that is the Bachelor.  You also know I love the Upright Citizens Brigade comedy club. By some incredible stroke of genius, these two glorious things collided and the result is Burning Love, a hilaaarious web series with tons of legit actors/comedians that essentially mocks the Bachelor like crazy. hahah. I regrettably missed the debut season, but I just finished watching season 2 (The Bachelorette version!).  Even you aren't a Bachelor fan, I think you'll still find these 13 minute webisodes incredibly funny. Here's a preview...

I hope those made you chuckle a little bit. If not, here's one last attempt...




Friday, April 12, 2013

8:11 March Highlights

March was a good month (minus having two separate killer colds/sinus infections... blurgh). Mary came to visit, I adopted a cat (more on that in my last post), and I mustered up enough courage to start trimming my own bangs. ;) Here are my 11 favorite things I did at 8:11 pm last month...

8:11-celebrating the birth of the one and only Caroline at Sur w/ .

8:11-excited to introduce to one of my favorite activities: . First- din at Spitz. 

8:11- a beautiful last LA supper for ...

8:11-din/long overdue catch up at the alcove w/ and Steph.

8:11-excited Kate is in town! Catching up over a delish Mexican feast w/ Soren.

8:11-Erin and I did a rousing rendition of "Baby Got Back" at 's karaoke bday party. Hollaaaa.

8:11-happy birthday to Parker!!

8:11- at Cory's random/wonderful semi-annual "campfireball." (Yes, he transformed his backyard into a magical blanket fort) :)

8:11- pho and Katie Gibbs and pretty lights. Aka- perfect Thursday.

8:11-post Good Friday service din/drinks at Public School w/ this guy. Holllaaa Seanzie.

8:11- partayyyy w/ Seanzie and Jordan and 40ish people we just met. (Random sidenote- the hot British radio DJ from 'Pitch Perfect' is pictured in the top right, blue button down shirt. His name is Freddie and he was nice. Hahah. #LA.)

April is shaping up to be a solid month too! I'm heading to Coachella for a day this weekend, seeing Sufjan Stevens at Walt Disney Concert Hall (a venue I've ALWAYS wanted to go to!) on the 15th, and heading to OKC to cheer on my brother as he runs his first half-marathon on the 28th. :)



Saturday, April 6, 2013

Meet Moxie!

In case you haven't heard the wonderful news- I adopted a cat! Best decision I've made in a while. :) Meet my new darling, Moxie. (Full name: Moxie Meryl Terracina):

 I adopted her from the great organization Kitten Rescue about a month ago.  She is the sweetest, cuddliest, cutest cat ever and life is definitely happier with her in it. :) 

