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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Goodbye LA...Hello Dallas.

(Musical accompaniment for this post: A Fine Frenzy – Now Is The Start). 

This very big news has been trickling out for a few days now, but in case you haven't heard... I AM MOVING TO DALLAS.  

This HUGE life change is definitely bittersweet as I am sad to leave my beloved Los Angeles and all my wonderful friends here after 5.5 crazy, fun-filled, better-than-I-ever-imagined-they-would-be years. There is nowhere else in the world I wanted to be right after college, so much so that I took the plunge and drove myself out here even when my job offer I had lined up in the spring of my senior year fell through. I knew I had to give it a try... I wouldn't be satisfied anywhere else.  A few weeks later I had a new job at The Academy, and I was more in love with LA than ever. But even then in the height of my Los Angeles love, I knew that this city was absolutely perfect for me at that time, but eventually I would want to move closer to my home. I didn't know exactly when that would happen or what that would look like... but here it is! 

I will be joining an exciting new digital agency called Socialized Monkey as a Senior Digital Marketing Manager (heyooo). This small start-up will be a 100% different environment/experience than my time at the Academy and Warner Bros., and I'm excited for that! I'm also excited to be in Dallas just in time for OU/Texas (for the first time since 2007), and to be able to drive up to Norman for any game day for that matter.  I'm excited to be a 3 hour drive from my brother in Oklahoma City, a 4 hour drive from my parents in Houston, and just a 2.5 hour drive from my sweet grandparents in Louisiana. I'm excited for a slightly slower pace. I'm excited for a change. For a new start. 

For the most part, I am feeling a great sense of peace about this crazy huge move, but the sadness/emo-ness has been creeping in too.  I will miss my incredible friends out here... some of the best friends I've ever had in my life. I will my miss my church- my favorite church I've ever attended. I will miss my awesome neighborhood, Los Feliz. I will miss the perfect weather, the beautiful beaches. I will miss the opportunities to unexpectedly share a table at your neighborhood Thai restaurant with Michael Cera, work out next to Victoria Beckham or Zac Efron, and accidentally photobomb Meryl Streep. ;) 

Who knows... Dallas might not be the best fit for me.  I might be back in LA in a year. Or I might move to Austin or Chicago or Italy next. But I know if I didn't take this opportunity and try it out, I would absolutely regret it. So, ready or not... Dallas here I come. 

(LA friends... I will miss you a lot, a lot. You have less than 3 weeks to hang out with me. Let's make it count... and also please come to my going away party 9/15. Invites coming shortly). 

(Dallas friends... let's please hang out when I get there! I don't know Dallas very well at all and I need you to show me the ropes). 



Monday, September 2, 2013

The Big 2-8

My birthday month is officially over (boo). I had a really great "Annie Week" this year... one of my better ones in recent years I would say (despite having a killer cold during the whole birthday weekend). Festivities included (but were not limited to) a glorious spa day at Burke Williams, din at Masa (where else??), brunch at my new favorite spot downtown Perch, blowouts at Dry Bar, and a party at Mohawk Bend.  I had the best idea at my party this year- (almost) all the attendees did a photobooth strip with me which I had them put in this scrapbook accompanied by a note.  Such a wonderful memento! I wish I had done this for all my parties in the past. Ha. One of those things you're like "I'm definitely going to show this to my kids one day." 

The past several years, I've made a list of goals for myself on my birthday that I want to complete before my next birthday.  (I like it way better than New Year's Resolutions). Here's how I fared on my goals from last year...
  • Go to Europe.
    • Done and done! (Deets here). 
  • Do yoga at least 2-3 times a month. 
    • I found a great yoga studio walking distance from my apartment, and I've really enjoyed getting back into this year! If you're in the Los Feliz area, I give Yoga Vibe two thumbs up. 
  • Have at least 1-2 days a month dedicated to "dolce far niente" (Italian for "the art/sweetness of doing nothing"). 
    • I've gotten a lot more restful on Sundays... so I thiiiink I can cross this one off. I could definitely still get a little better at this whole 'resting' thing. Ha. 
  • Go to one of Richard Simmon's work out classes at his studio in Beverly Hills. 
    • Yes, and it was hilarious and amazing. 
  • Visit Anne in Chicago (when she moves there from South Africa). 
    • Can't technically cross this one off yet, BUT I bought a ticket to visit her in October, so I'll be there soon!
  • Visit Mary in NYC in a season that's different than Thanksgiving time. 
    • Yes! The Big Apple was lovely in May. (Deets here). 
  • Send more handwritten notes. 
    • Maybe? I feel like I could still step my game up in this department, so I'm not going to cross it off just yet. 
  • Go to more concerts. 
    • Yes! Some of my favorite concerts this year include: Jack Mannequin's final show, Andrew McMahon's first solo show, The Postal Service, The Lumineers (at the Fonda and again at Coachella), Capital Cities, Best Coast, John Williams conducting the LA Philharmonic Orchestra, and One Direction when they played on the Warner Bros. lot (ha).  
  • Read the Harry Potter series. 
    • Unfortunately no, BUT I did become the manager of all official Harry Potter social media this year, so I am now very immersed in that magical world. 
  • Go confidently in the direction my dreams.
    • Check.
  • Enjoy this year to the fullest. 
    • Always. :)

My goal list for 28 is currently in progress. Stay tuned. ;)  Thanks to everyone who made my birthday (and entire 27th year!) so great. Love you, mean it. 

