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Saturday, June 15, 2013

8:11 May Highlights

Does anyone else think it's completely NUTS that 2013 is halfway over? That's insaaane to me. May was a fun month... as you saw in my last post, I got to visit Mary (and see many other great friends!) in New York. :) Here are my 11 favorite things I did at 8:11 pm last month...

8:11- cheering on the the Thunder at Public House. Please don't lose!

8:11-din at Villa Blanca w/ these handsome gents .

8:11-favorite musician (Andrew McMahon) at my favorite venue (The Troubadour).

8:11- 's mom is in town which of course calls for din at Terroni.

8:11-ready to dance the night away at LA. Hollaaaa.

8:11- Parker has returned to us!! Celebrating at Starfish.

8:11- at an amazing 90s cover band dance party called Bayside Tigers. Aka- best welcome to NY ever.

8:11- din w/ this lovely crew before UCB! Hollaaa.

8:11-at Three Letters in Brooklyn for a hilarious/delish tasting menu.

8:11- premiere watch party (east coast style)/surprise going away party for Valerie.

8:11- hot tub time machine w/ Lorrin and

June has been full of fun summery activities so far... fun concerts, outdoor screenings, and in a couple weeks- VACAY! Europe, here I come. Whoooo. :)



Monday, June 3, 2013

Let's Hear it for New York

I visited Mary in wonderful New York for Memorial Day, and we had a super whirlwind non-stop fun weekend.  I also got to see my beloved/brilliant/amazing cousin JAKE and several Oklahoma friends who were randomly in town as well.  My top 3 favorite activities include: 

1.) "Saved by the 90s"at the Canal Room where an incredibly entertaining/talented 90s cover band called the Bayside Tigers plays all the songs you grew up singing along to on the radio. So. Much. Fun. For a 6-second glimpse, watch Mary's Vine below (turn the volume on/off in the upper left corner). 

2.) A hilarious/delish Arrested Development themed tasting menu (to celebrate the new season) at The Three Letters in Brooklyn. This was so great. From subtle framed decor in the bathroom to 2 guys sitting near us who casually both took off their pants during the meal to reveal they were 'Never Nudes', the theme was legittt. My favorites of the 9 courses were the Corn Balls and the Bluth Frozen Banana. So good!

3.) Central Park-ing! The first couple days I was there, the weather was cold/rainy/lame, but then it was beautiful/sunny/perfect (whoo!), so we took full advantage and spent several hours basking in the sun in Central Park on Memorial Day. It was glorious. :)

The rest of the weekend was filled with more great food/drinks, art, Broadway, Mary's insanely cute dog Ray, etc. (as seen below). 

Thanks for an amazing visit, Mar! 
Until next time New York... I love you.

